Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Commish

Okay, boys and girls, it's all in the lap of the Clatsop County Planning Commission. After two hearings, and more in the works and the anti-LNG folks FINALLY getting a nice loud, coherent voice, will they listen?

I'm sorry, but I can't even imagine how the hell it's gotten this far.

Has anyone been down Clifton Road lately? It's like traveling back 100 years. There can't possibly be any reason to desecrate that area, much less with 17 story high LNG terminals. I mean, what the hell even brought this on?

Well, now that I think about it, it doesn't require a brain surgeon to figure that one out. Just because the area is so pristine, the LNG big-wig corportate types immediately thought, "Oh shit, Lord, that prime piece of real estate is right smack in the middle of Clatsop County hickdom! It will be a snap to get by their dumbasses, and it'll only cost a coupla million to buy 'em off and shut 'em up. Promise 'em jobs they'll never be able to qualify for, and they'll bend right over."

And some are bending over so far they may never walk upright again.

Come on commissioners, you can save us from this travesty of false hopes. Deny those variances. Save the river, and our way of life.

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